The casino heist payout
Here’s a breakdown of the possible payout from the diamond casino heist. Cayo perico heist is irrelevant compared to diamond casino. With cayo perico being more difficult to setup, pull off, and having a worse payout than ever pacific standard, the casino heist will stay on top surely. 2 mil for two hours vs 1. 7 mil for an hour at casino. Am i missing something? Here are the four takes you can get and their max payout. Diamonds (event only) – $3,619,000. These max payouts are before set-up costs, splits, and deductions for various penalties you can take during the heist. Here's everything you need to know about the diamond casino heist payout. What is the gta casino heist payout? according to reddit , the maximum diamond casino heist payout is. The diamond casino heist is a content update for grand theft auto online, released on december 12th, 2019. Arcade properties were added to grand theft auto online. This is a list of the casino heist loot types (art, gold, cash). The base payout takes into account only the value of the loot. It does not take into account damage taken, daily take, lockboxes, glitches/exploits, elite challenges, or any other methods of increasing or decreasing the payout at the end. [psa guide] casino heist best maximum payout for single person: approach, target, crew, number of players required, heist finale game plan explained (with calculations!) i see players asking on reddit and discord servers about what is the best approach, target etc. How much can you make? by james wright. Gta online update (april 22) – the new gta online weekly update is out, and there's 1x gta$ and rp on diamond loot in the diamond casino heist. Make the most of this bonus to get an even bigger max heist payout for the next seven days. Diamond casino heist is one of the several heists players can do in gta online, the multiplayer part of gta 5. It was added to the game in december 2019 as part of the diamond casino heist update. You can complete the heist with only one other player or more. Which is the highest paying target in the diamond casino heist in gta online. The vault features four treasures in total. In addition to buying the arcade, there’s a $25,000 setup cost each time you start the diamond casino heist. Gta online diamond casino heist payouts explained. The payout for the diamond casino heist is a bit similar to the gta online doomsday heist payout in that the payout can vary depending on several factors. The two best heists in this regard are the diamond casino heist and the cayo perico heist. The diamond casino heist's targets and their payouts are: cash (normal): $2,115,000;
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