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These are the roots of the chords, bilet dublu. Yes’it’s that one made famous by Elvis Presley. The song is performed during the National Dance-Off competition during Grease. The song was written by Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller and originally recorded in 1952, but Elvis got ahold of the twelve-bar blues song and helped it achieve its incredible status. The song has actually been recorded more than 250 times and ranks as one of the top 500 Greatest Songs of All Time (2004). Related : See this classic on our list of the best dog songs. Born to Hand Jive. Today, we have danced like the ‘Funky Chicken’ and ‘Electric Slide’ that everybody knows, but back in the day, the Hand Jive was the song everybody would know if it popped up at a dance or social event. In Grease, the song of the same name is performed by Johnny Casino and Gamblers during the dance contest. The fun song talks about cows and plows and chopping wood’a throwback to the farming community the original musicians would have come from. Tears on My Pillow. The song was originally recorded by Little Anthony & The Imperials as their first and best-selling single. The original song uses some of the same backing tracks as the Penguins’ ‘Earth Angel’ to help save the record company some money. Related : Add more tears to your pillow with our playlist of songs about crying. A song about longing, ‘Mooning’ is all about those lonely nights when you miss that special someone.
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