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Nikki has more college degrees than she has sense and hopefully one day she will put one to work. Nikki likes to write comedy pieces that focus on the humor of family, friends and everyday life. She tried stand up but the cattle weren’t impressed. Geaux Rocket Ride, Mage Gain In Breeders’ Cup Classic Rankings, Cody’s Wish Remains No. Each week a panel of media members, horseplayers, and Breeders’ Cup World Championships officials release a poll tabulating their votes on the nation’s top contenders for the 2023 Longines Breeders’ Cup Classic. Cody’s Wish maintains his No. The rankings are determined by each voter ranking their top 10 horses with points assigned on a descending 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basis. The rankings will be updated each week through Oct. The results of the latest poll are below. Breeders’ Cup Classic Rankings for July 25, jocuri de noroc live din india. Cody’s Wish (25 first-place votes) Owners: Godolphin. West Will Power (3 first-place votes) Trainer: Brad Cox. Last race: 1st, Stephen Foster Stakes, July 1 at Ellis Park. Forte (1 first-place votes) 2023 record: 3 starts ‘ 2 wins ‘ 1 seconds’ 0 thirds. Defunded (2 first-place votes) Trainer: Bob Baffert.
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